However, if it was a country hit, the next line would be "...and he only drinks when he's with me."
An insomniac's excuse to par-tay?? try again...
Although a glass of red wine is always a great way to relax before bed.
My four month old's relationship with eating...and sleeping?? BINGO!!
1) Augustine goes to sleep like a little angel in his crib, often times awake (yet drowsy), at night. As in we have never had to get him out of his crib before he has slept for a few hours.
2) Ok, so maybe I was exaggerating a little bit with the whole "only sleeps when he drinks" thing...he does occasionally sleep in his crib and loves cat naps in the car.
3) Augustine is so stinkin' happy all the time that I don't really mind if his favorite place to sleep is in my arms while he eats.
ALL that being said, practically speaking, Augustine does need to learn to nap in his scheduled napping has begun--sigh. (We will keep you posted on the progress, but so far SO good). Even though I will miss him sleeping in my arms more during the day, I'm sure he will still fall asleep during his last feeding of the day for awhile...and of course, there's always the sleepy middle-of-the-night feedings (although those can go away whenever they want...).
I probably broke every rule in the book by letting my Little Man nurse to sleep--and may have not done it the "right" way--but I honestly can't say we did it the "wrong" way either. I have found that there are a lot of "right" ways to do things when it comes to babies, and learning what is "right" for you and your little bundle of joy is just part of the fun!