Friday, October 8, 2010

Four Years of Bliss!

Last night Luke and I went out to celebrate meeting each other four years ago (10.07.06) and getting engaged three years ago (10.07.07). We stopped at a nearby pizzeria to pick up dinner and then headed to the bowling alley, to re-live one of our first dates.

We don't bowl often, and I felt a little out of place among the "regulars"--these people were kicking their right leg up behind them as they effortlessly threw the ball down the lane for a strike; they shined their balls between throws; they wore their own bowling shoes; and some even had wheeled suitcases to carry their supplies in. Many of them also smelled like smoke, but that is neither here nor there. One little boy (who loitered in our lane--his dad was bowling elsewhere in the alley) told Luke that "if you want to bowl like a real man, you bowl without putting your fingers in the holes." Apparently Luke is not a real man. But then again, the child was about eight years old and was hanging out at the bowling alley at 9 pm on a school night!

My Prince Charming

When we went bowling early in our relationship, we made bets for each throw:
i.e. If I knock down more pins than you, you have to give me a kiss on the cheek (he really had to twist my arm...).

You get the idea.

So last night we made more bets.

Let's see, Luke won:
  • a massage from me,
  • a new pair of running shoes,
  • a guy's night out,
  • and a dinner cooked by me (as opposed to a dinner cooked by him if I had won).
Oh, and I won:

  • a Saturday free of diaper changes;
  • and a Saturday free of feeding the little man (solids, that is...I am still on milk duty, although it would be fun to watch Luke try...).

In case you didn't notice, I got the short end of the stick.

I guess I buckle under pressure.

There were a pair of UGGS on the line for me, and I totally choked.

But when it comes to things I actually enjoy (feeding Muncher) or am totally used to (changing his diapers), I pull out spares! (As if a day changing and feeding the baby all day would have been a chore for me--I may have done that, maybe once or twice, before...).

Despite my ill luck with the bets, we had a really fun date! I lost miserably (twice), but Luke got his first Turkey ever!

And I think I can still talk him into the birthday is right around the corner!

1 comment:

  1. So glad you two got a night out. And you really did get the short end of the should go again and do double or nothing! Something to make up for it...maybe bet on something other then bowling:)
